S&T /

#5 - Cybersecurity

24 Oct 2016


Federico “Fox” Scrinzi - Site Reliability Engineer at Google

Virtually every company today uses firewalls to enforce perimeter security. However, this security model is problematic because, when that perimeter is breached, an attacker has relatively easy access to a company’s privileged intranet. As companies adopt mobile and cloud technologies, the perimeter is becoming increasingly difficult to enforce. Google is taking a different approach to network security. We are removing the requirement for a privileged intranet and moving our corporate applications to the Internet.

**Unfortunately these slides are not available due to secrecy policy of the company.
We will add them if they will be available in the future.**

Bitcoin and Blockchain

Marco Amadori - CEO of Inbitcoin

Bitcoin and blockchain technology are probably the most noteworthy application of modern cryptography. Whereas Internet has mainly changed how we share and publish content, distribute ledgers will bring a structural revolution in every field where data storage and transmission are involved, starting from the concept of money and finance. After a meticulous technical analysis of how Bitcoin and blockchain technology actually work, light will be shed on how and under which circumstances this revolution will take place.

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