Smart Mobility

February 27, 2017

Scaling up: Running is much harder than walking

Lorenzo Modena, CEO @ OpenMove

Michele Margoni, CTO @ OpenMove

A company is like a baby, one leg representing business and the other standing for technology. Moving the first steps as a startup is hard, accelerating to run as a company is even harder: you have to grow up with both legs keeping pace.
OpenMove will give its perspective on major challenges faced to bring the company to market its products in 6 countries, dealing with high-profile customers like Ministries of Transport or big telcos… guys you don’t wanna mess with!
On the business side, Lorenzo, CEO, will tell how they have been structuring product- and knowledge-management, business development (and some other super boring stuff), while Michele, CTO, will show the cool things: scalability and high availability of the platform adopting Docker Swarm, optimization by using Meteor.js and MongoDB and evolution towards an ecosystem of microservices.


The tricky road to autonomous cars

Paolo Costa, Founding Partner @ Spindox

A self-driving car is hyper-communication: a system communicating with more elements, more frequently, and in real-time. But to what extent can unmanned vehicles trust communication to make their own decisions? In other terms, how autonomous will be autonomous cars, once they reach the so-called ‘fifth level of autonomy’? Spindox is involved in 2 different research programs working on this question. We will give our vision for the mid-term scenario, from both a technical and a business perspective: architectural view, industry role, sourcing and delivery strategies. More specifically, we are presenting a proposed model for the data layer within this architecture, that addressed most of foreseen technical issues.
