Mobile Development

July 27, 2017

WWDC - World Wide Developer Conference

Matteo Gavagnin, CTO @ DIMENSION

Each year a city in California becomes the Mecca for developers, journalists and engineers working or passionate about Apple’s products. If you are interested in technology that’s where new features and improvements for Apple’s platforms are presented, discussed and dissected. In this speech you’ll understand how the conference and related events are structured, why you should consider to apply for a ticket or a free scholarship and mostly learn of interesting gems announced during #WWDC17, that will be leveraged by developers to create amazing new apps and features used by hundreds of millions of people.


Kotlin for Android

Erinda Jaupaj, Agile Developer @ XPeppers

Google is adding Kotlin as an official programming language for Android development. Kotlin is a language that runs on the JVM and has full interoperability with Java. It costs nothing to adopt! I will show some cool features of Kotlin, how it makes developing with Android easy and finally we’ll see what happens under the hood when we write in Kotlin.
