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May 02, 2018

Pixel art: simple shapes for better designs

Giuseppe Longo, Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Game Designer

Pixel art always relates into players’ minds to nostalgia and retro-vibed video games, but the potential of this medium assumed a new form during the last decade creating a new way game artists can express visual languages and game design approaches. Starting from the pixel, the ways it can be shaped to and the study of Japanese sprite artists work, pixel art can be a powerful device for designers to add to their visual tool belt during game development process.


Moving pixels on someone else's screen: introduction to Unity networking

Giovanni Frigo, CTO & Co-Founder @ Belka

Massimo Frasson, iOS and Game Developer @ Belka

Multiplayer games are indeed one of the most involving and addictive gaming experiences you could offer to anyone. Everything is simply more funny if you can challenge your friends!
Although nowadays Unity is hugely simplifying game development, when talking about making a real-time multiplayer game there are still some non-trivial concepts and different patterns to deal with.
We will explore some of the “quirks and features” that Unity offers to the developers in support of this task, from the ready to use Matchmaker down to bit-a-bit messages serialization.
If you wanna create the next Fortnite, this is the talk for ya!
