Cyber Intelligence

October 04, 2019

Russian Propaganda: how it works

Luigi Gubello

The majority of experts agree that 2016 US elections were targeted by IRA (Internet Research Agency), a Russian pro-government company that used the social networks to interfere with the elections. Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube have become useful tools for Russian propaganda to sway the voters. In October 2018, Twitter released a big dataset containing all the tweets - over 9 million - shared by the Russian trolls. The analysed data show how Internet Research Agency has carefully developed its propaganda. This talk wants to illustrate how Russian propaganda on Twitter has worked.


Exploring Hardware Security

Federico Scrinzi, Site Reliability Engineer @ Google

Studying and breaking secure hardware is not something that only state-sponsored attackers or highly-funded research groups can perform. Tools are becoming more accessible and you can start learning hardware security at home 🏠 Hardware hacking is perceived as black magic or something not important: let’s change this misconception, learn about new classes of attacks and how to design secure hardware.
