Someone says “all roads lead to Rome”, but for GRUBER Logistics there is only one right route to bring our customer’s goods from the loading to the unloading place. Having a predefined route, without leaving the driver to follow any route suggested by their device, is the basis to guarantee correct planning, on-time delivery, and cost control. We will present the solution developed inside our GRUBER Beyond platform, to certify the route a driver has to follow: the talk will focus both on the user experience and on the architecture applied to implement the new feature on top of our legacy TMS.
Controlling groups of autonomous vehicles from a wireless network requires low delays, high reliability, and computing power close-by. Even though 5G cellular networks will provide these ingredients, high delays or connectivity interruptions may still lead to catastrophic consequences. We will present a novel solution to tackle these issues, based on a balanced mix of network, computing, and vehicle autonomy management. We will then discuss how to break it up, so that autonomous vehicles can bend traffic laws in case of emergency.